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Implemented Methods:

WebSnapshot v2.0

Implemented Methods:


Clear() Destroy objects and free allocated memory
GetChangedSource([out,retval] BSTR* pVal) Reserved
GetCookie([out,retval] BSTR *pVal) Get a cookie
GetFiles([out,retval] VARIANT* pVal) Get the list of all downloaded files in a page
GetFrames([out,retval] VARIANT *pVal) Get the list of all frames in a page
GetFreeMemory([out,retval] int* freememory) Reserved
GetImageLinks([out,retval] VARIANT* pVal) Get the list of all images in a page
GetLinks([out,retval] VARIANT *pVal) Get the list of all links in a page (for e-mail and web pages)
GetNumber([out,retval] int* number) Reserved
GetRealHeight([out,retval] int *pVal) Get real height of web page snap-shot image (if h argument has value 0).
GetRealURL([out,retval] BSTR *pVal) Get real url
GetRealWidth([out,retval] int *pVal) Get real width of web page snap-shot image (if w argument has value 0).
GetReplacedFiles([out,retval] VARIANT* pVal) Reserved
GetReplacedUrls([out,retval] VARIANT* pVal) Reserved
GetReportProgressText([out,retval] VARIANT* pVal) Get the text list of all progress reports in a page
GetRequestText([out,retval] VARIANT* pVal) Get the text list of all requests in a page
GetResponseText([out,retval] VARIANT* pVal) Get the text list of all responses in a page
GetSource([out,retval] BSTR *pVal) Get HTML source code of a web page
GetStatus([out,retval] int *error) Reports error status
0 - no errore
2 - timeout error
4 - popup windows are closed
8 - popup windows are blocked
16 - timeout error
32 - timeout error (crashed)
8192 - popup windows and other windows are closed 32768 - Snapshot has not been created
GetStyles([out,retval] VARIANT* pVal) Get the list of all styles in a page
GetText([out,retval] BSTR *pVal) Get plain text from a web page
GetTitle([out,retval] BSTR *pVal) Get title of a web page
GetUrls([out,retval] VARIANT* pVal) Get the list of urls of all downloaded files in a page
GetWebPage([in] int width, [in] int height, [in] BSTR url) Make snapshot of a web page. Parameters: width - width of window ie, value "0" - set width automatically height - height of window ie, value "0" - set height automatically url - URL of the web page
Run([in] BSTR url) Make snapshot of a web page. (or GetWebPage method)
SaveAsBMP([in] BSTR filename) Save image in BMP format
SaveAsGIF([in] BSTR filename) Save image in GIF format
SaveAsJPEG([in] BSTR filename,[in] int quality) Save image in Jpeg format
SaveAsPNG([in] BSTR filename) Save image in PNG format
SaveToStreamJPEG([in] int quality, [out,retval] BSTR* pVal) Save image to stream in Jpeg format
SaveToStreamPNG([out,retval] BSTR* pVal) Save image to stream in PNG format
SetActiveX([in] int newval) Turn off/on loading and running of ActiveX Parameter: loadActiveX- integer [0,1]. 0 - Turn off, 1 -turn on.
SetCacheMode([in] int cacheMode) Control Internet Explore cache, download from IE cache or directly from the Web Parameter: cacheMode- integer [0,1]. 0 - download from site, 1 - download from cache.
([in] int x1, [in] int y1, [in] int x2, [in] int y2)
Set a rectangle for cutting a part of snapshot image
SetCookie([in] BSTR strCookie) Add a cookie value to the existing one. 'tonec=yes&login=true for example
SetDebug([in] int isDebug) Reserved
SetDefaultSize([in] int w, [in] int h) Set default size
SetDelay([in] int delay) Set delay before making a screenshot. The value in msec. (for ActiveX, Flash, animation gif)
SetDirectory([in] BSTR directory) Set directory to save downloaded files
SetForm([in] BSTR strForm) Set a value for sending a form using POST method. By using the blank value or not calling the method makes it possible to get a page using GET method. In the case of using SetNavigationMode method with value 1, sending the form with POST method is impossible.
SetHeight([in] int height) Set snapshot height (with Run method)
SetJava([in] int newval) Turn off/on using Java Parameter: java - integer [0,1]. 0 - Turn off, 1 -turn on.
SetJpegQuality([in] int quality) Reserved
SetMaxLinkCount([in] int intLinkCount) Set max value to links count
SetMaxSize([in] int w, [in] int h) Set maximum size of a page. A web page and result image will not increase these dimensions.
SetMinSize([in] int minSize) Images will have minimal size 0 - default behavior 1 - a web page will have a minimal size set by SetDefaultSize method. Now SetDefaultSize method works not only for pages with frames 
SetNavigationMode([in] int newval) Set the type of navigation Parameter: navigationMode - integer [0,1].
'0 - load blank page first, then specified url
'1 - load the page at once, not recommended because of possible freezes
'in the version 1.5 it is possible to set rectangle for snapshot using 'SetClipRectangle method.
SetNewLink([in] BSTR strNewLink) Reserved
SetReplaceImages([in] int replace) Reserved
SetReplaceLinks([in] int replace) Reserved
SetReplaceScriptLinks([in] int replace) Reserved
SetReplaceStyleLinks([in] int replace) Reserved
SetRetrieveDocumentInfo([in] int intRetrieveDocumentInfo) Turn off/on to get additional document information like a title, real URL and so on
SetRetrieveFrameLink([in] int intRetrieveFrameLink) Turn off/on to get additional document information -frames URL
SetRetrieveImageLink([in] int intRetrieveImageLink) Turn off/on to get additional document information -images URL
SetRetrieveLink([in] int intRetrieveLink) Turn off/on to get additional document information -links URL
SetRetrieveScriptLink([in] int intRetrieveScriptLink) Turn off/on to get additional document information about external scripts URL
SetRetrieveSnapshot([in] int intRetrieveSnapshot) Turn off/on making snapshot
SetRetrieveStyleLink([in] int intRetrieveStyleLink) Turn off/on to get additional document information about styles URL
SetSaveFiles([in] int isSave) Turn off/on to save downloaded files
SetScript([in] int newval) Turn off/on running Javascript and VBScript scripts Parameter: script - integer [0,1]. 0 - Turn off, 1 -turn on.
SetSize([in] int width, [in] int height) Set snapshot width and height (with Run method)
SetSpeed([in] int intSpeed) Reserved
SetThumbnailSize([in] int w, [in] int h) Set thumbnail size
SetTimeout([in] int timeout) Set timeout - it is used to force the termination of GetWebPage (Run) method. The value in msec.
SetWidth([in] int width) Set snapshot width (with Run method)
ShowImage([in] int showImage) Turn off/on loading of images on the page Parameter: showImage - integer [0,1]. 0 - Turn off, 1 -turn on.

Web Page Snapshot v1.0 - v1.7

GetWebPage (width,height,url) Get a web page Parameters:
width - width of window ie, value "0" - set width automatically
height - height of window ie, value "0" - set height automatically
url - URL of a web page
SaveAsPng (filename) Save image in PNG format
SaveAsBMP (filename) Save image in BMP format
SaveAsJpeg (filename) Save image in Jpeg format
SaveAsGif (filename) Save image in Gif format
GetText Get plain text from a web page
GetTitle Get title of a web page
GetRealUrl Get real url
New Since v1.2
SetThumbnailSize (width,heigth) Set thumbnail size
GetSource Get HTML source code of a web page
ShowImage (showImage) Turn off/on loading of images on the page Parameter:
showImage - integer [0,1]. 0 - Turn off, 1 -turn on.
GetLinks Get the list of all links in a page (for e-mail and web pages)
GetRealHeight Get real height of web page snap-shot image (if h argument has value 0).
GetRealWidth Get real width of web page snap-shot image (if w argument has value 0).
SetCacheMode (cacheMode) Control Internet Explore cache, download from IE cache or directly from the Web Parameter:
cacheMode- integer [0,1]. 0 - download from site, 1 - download from cache.
Clear Destroy objects and free allocated memory
GetLinks Get the list of all frames in a page
New Since v1.5
SetActiveX(loadActiveX) Turn off/on loading and running of ActiveX Parameter:
loadActiveX- integer [0,1]. 0 - Turn off, 1 -turn on.
SetScript(script) Turn off/on running Javascript and VBScript scripts Parameter:
script - integer [0,1]. 0 - Turn off, 1 -turn on.
SetJava(java) Turn off/on using Java Parameter:
java - integer [0,1]. 0 - Turn off, 1 -turn on.
SetNavigationMode(navigationMode) Set the type of navigation Parameter:
navigationMode - integer [0,1].
'0 - load blank page first, then specified url
'1 - load the page at once, not recommended because of possible freezes
'1 - has an advantage that images will not contain right scrollbar
'in the version 1.5 it is possible to set rectangle for snapshot using
'SetClipRectangle method.
SetJpegQuality Set the quality of jpeg image
SetClipRectangle Set a rectangle for cutting a part of snapshot image
SetTimeout Set timeout - it is used to force the termination of GetWebPage method.The incorrect termination causes memory leak in the version 1.5
The value in msec.
SetForm Set a value for sending a form using POST method the blank value or not calling the method makes it possible to get a page using GET method in the case of using SetNavigationMode method with value 1, sending the form using POST method is impossible.
GetCookie Get a cookie
SetCookie Add a cookie value to the existing one
New Since v1.6
SetDefaultSize (width,heigth) Set default size
SetDelay Set delay before making screenshot.
The value in msec.
New Since v1.7
GetStatus Reports error status
0 - no errore
2 - timeout error
4 - popup windows are closed
8 - popup windows are blocked
SetMinSize Images will have minimal size
0 - default behavior
1 - a web page will have a minimal size set by SetDefaultSize method. Now SetDefaultSize method works not only for pages with frames
SetMaxSize (width,heigth) Set maximum size of a page.
A web page and result image will not increase these dimensions.

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